AFN atleo with harper crown summit

“Grand Chief” Shawn Atleo of the AFN with PM Harper during Crown-First Nations Summit, Jan. 2012.

Posted on December 14, 2012. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Chief: As a “typical” Canadian, i.e. not well versed in the “many irritations” between First Nations and Government but willing to learn so that my voice may be heard, can you briefly tell me the “sticking points”that have arisen to cause the recent uptick of picket lines and hunger strikes. Reading the Gov’t propaganda, it seems that we spend a lot of money which can be classified down to the individual Band …but I’ve never seen a review of say, The Top Ten First Nation Communities and the bottom ten in Money Management. Seems a lot of money goes in but no public accounting ! In Chief Spencers’ Attawapiskat fiasco …for example …most of the “Managers ” came from one family. Can’t understand how she {and Charlie Angus} can keep a straight face when discussing THAT scenario. Let’s be fair.

    Bob Auld

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