Is it time we start talking about our murdered and missing indigenous men?

Grace Lafond-Barr.

Grace Lafond-Barr.

Indigenous men are more likely to be murdered than anyone else in Canada – possibly more than 2,000 in a 30-year period.

Posted on April 18, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Patricia Wasiukow

    We had a young women from my home community murdered in Edmonton, Alberta. What? I find lacking is the story of why? they ended up on the street selling themselves. We need to change our family dynamics in building healthy home environments. To many of these lost women/men grew up in households that involve drug and alcohol abuse. They think? It’s normal behavior… the new generation keep repeating this cycle. Time to promote healthy communities, and minds and bodies!

  2. Yes My son has been missing for almost 13 years from Thompson,Mb. Still haven’t found him to this day. It really hard not knowing what happened to him.

  3. We need help finding our family members who has been missing since October 29th 2015.
    We are from one of the poorest reservations in South Dakota. The Pine Ridge Reservation in a small town called Kyle. I see missing people on ads and rewards being put up but the local cops, C.I.’s, FBI don’t seem to be helping, since he’s been missing friends, relatives, some community members, and some local tribal businesses and strangers from near and far have been putting together our own searches on the weekends but that’s the only time that he is looked for.
    Alex’s disappearance has the family and community worried it is rumored that he might have been murdered and talk of his body being buried or at the bottom of our towns Dam.
    It’s as if he is not a concern to anyone. It’s sad how other people that went missing had huge search parties, military flying around, and the cops out looking but we’re in this alone.
    I did more investigating than the CI’s. Requested dive teams to search the dam, advertise our flyer on billboards, asked why the military doesn’t get involved. It’s as if I have to give them ideas or suggestions on how or what to do.
    I’m just trying to get the word out so maybe there might be a group or program that might help in our search. So anything you can offer or do to help spread the word! We need assistance! Thank you so much.

  4. I really think more then 2000 white people got killed in 30 years, same goes for every other colour. If only 2000 natives got killed in 30 years you should be happy. Let’s talk about why that number 8s so low while the others aren’t even mentioned?

    • I’m also sure that more than 2000 white people “got killed in 30 years,” the issue is that Native women comprise 4 percent of the population of women in Canada but comprise 16 percent of women murdered between 1980 and 2012. Indigenous people overall have the highest rates of violent death, suicide, poverty, imprisonment etc, this doesn’t mean that other peoples don’t also suffer violent deaths, suicide etc but for Indigenous peoples the rates are far higher. Do you get it now Jan?

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