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Elders jailed after refusing to stay away from Muskrat Falls

Muskrat Falls elders jailed

Jim Learning, Eldred Davis and Marjorie Flowers (centre three) were arrested Friday and transported to Her Majesty’s Penitentiary in St. John’s after refusing to promise a judge they would stay away from the Muskrat Falls site. Labrador Land Protectors / Facebook.

“We don’t understand why we’re being treated like terrorists,” says land protector.

By Justin Brake, The Independent, July 24, 2017

Three Inuit elders have been incarcerated at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP) in St. John’s after refusing to promise a Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador judge they would stay away from the Muskrat Falls site in Labrador. Read the rest of this entry