Activists mark oil spill anniversary by spilling “oil” on Kinder Morgan sign

Kinder Morgan sign vandal 1By Jennifer Moreau, Burnaby Now, July 24, 2015

I received an anonymous email about some sign vandalism at Kinder Morgan’s Westridge Marine Terminal in north Burnaby, where tankers fill up with crude.
The July 24, 2007 reference related to the oil pipeline rupture on Burnaby’s Inlet Drive years ago.

Here’s the note that came with the pics:

Burnaby, Occupied and Unceded Coast Salish Territory

In the early morning hours of July 24, 2015, urban land defenders attacked Kinder Morgan’s sign with black paint at the Westridge Marine Terminal, 7065 Bayview Drive, Burnaby, BC.

This symbolic “spill” and messaging was done with the intention of remembering the Westridge residents affected by Kinder Morgan’s crude oil spill on July 24, 2007.

Kinder Morgan sign vandal 2Not only were approximately 50 homes affected, evacuations displaced numerous residents from their homes. Further, the oil moving through the storm drain system eventually reached the marine waters of Burrard Inlet below the spill site where it began to spread further with wind and tides. As with most of these spills we may never know the full impacts to the people, land, water and air.

Moreover, the activists symbolic, non-violent action was also done to highlight the continuing struggle of indigenous land defenders all along the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline corridor. Let it be known that Kinder Morgan do NOT have the consent of First Nations to expand the Trans Mountain Pipeline through unceded territory. As usual, industry with their government cronies and police henchmen continue to attempt to bully their way through unceded indigenous territory.

Kinder Morgan's TransMountain pipeline oil spill in Burnaby BC, July 24, 2007.

Kinder Morgan’s TransMountain pipeline oil spill in Burnaby BC, July 24, 2007.

Let it be known, Kinder Morgan (Enron), that you are on notice. You have shown yourselves to be bad neighbors time and time again. Your crimes against Mother Earth and her People will not be conveniently forgotten… or further tolerated.

The People United Will Never Be Defeated!

Posted on July 24, 2015, in Oil & Gas and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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