Red Fawn Fallis Sentenced to 57 Months in Federal Prison

Bismarck, ND – Red Fawn Fallis, a political prisoner arrested during the movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, was sentenced today in federal court by Judge Daniel Hovland. Fallis was sentenced to 57 months (4.75 years) in federal prison. She will receive a credit of 18 months ‘time served’ taken off of her sentence, from time spent in North Dakota jails before trial proceedings began. Fallis is expected to serve a total of 39 months in prison followed by 3 years probation.

In January 2018, Fallis entered a non-cooperating plea agreement in which prosecutors agreed to seek a sentence of less than seven years. In exchange, she pleaded guilty to charges of ‘Civil Disorder’ and ‘Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition by a Convicted Felon.’

Red Fawn and her supporters had previously maintained her innocence, and had stated that Fallis accepted the plea deal under the assumption that she would not receive a fair trial due to prosecutors withholding evidence.

Judge Hovland had forbidden Fallis’ defense team from mentioning treaty rights or other issues related to her arrest at anti-pipeline protests near the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s reservation border.

The case against Red Fawn had centered around allegations she fired a gun during her arrest on October 27, 2016, when a massive police and military raid seized indigenous treaty lands on behalf of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The gun allegedly fired by Fallis was later revealed to have belonged to Heath Harmon, an undercover FBI informant who was romantically involved with Red Fawn at the time of her arrest.

Before she was sentenced by Judge Hovland, Red Fawn Fallis told the court,

“No matter where I go from here I am going to continue going forward…I wanted to move forward in a positive way away from Heath Harmon and the things he tried to put on me while I was trying to push him away.” – Red Fawn Fallis

In May, Michael “Little Feather” Giron was sentenced to 36 months in federal prison for actions taken to defend pipeline resistance camps from police assault. Several other water protectors still face federal charges, with potential sentences of decades in prison, stemming from their participation in the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline.


Posted on July 12, 2018, in Oil & Gas and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 167 Comments.

  1. How can we send her letters of support or money for her stay in federal prison? What a shame – entrapment by FBI, unjust judicial system, and more.
    Then send her to horrible institution. This
    Reveals how terrible 1st Nations /Water protectors are mistreated.
    But shows how dedicated 1st Nations/ Water Protectors are to saving lives, Earth, and generations to come. Thank you [Wad]
    Wado for your reporting.
    Zan, Cherokee

  2. Keep staying positive Red Fawn. 💖 daily prayers are with you and our fight to save mother Earth and our father Sky! 💖 …..much repect and honour

  3. Decades in prison for interfering with a pipeline. Lifetime of leasure for corruption and treason in the White House. Ain’t that America?

  4. Abdul Fritz vonJuniper

    Should have been a straightforward thing.

    Energy Transfer Partners LP, Phillips 66, Enbridge and Marathon should have asked if it was ok to run a pipeline through those peoples’ land. When the people said they prefered not to have the pipeline on that land, it should have been the end. Who can argue against that? Should a company with money be able to do as they like in your house, only because they have money?

    Instead the investors got the FBI and various state agencies as hired muscle to enforce the interests of those companies.

  5. Horrendous that she was not allowed to raise treaty rights.

    I hope that victims of undercover infiltration are sharing notes internationally- here’s a useful group if you haven’t “met” already.

  6. Mrs. Brenda M. Rain-Bird

    From Paul Band Alberta Canada, I love you. Every thing that came to you was for what we all want for the people. Its so sad the judge is not even thinking of that. We need water to survive but money talks I was told. I pray with you. Water is life and the dummies should dummy up and help save it. May you be okay.

  7. She should have left the gun alone.

  8. Water protectors, how can we help? water is sacred, and so are our children in resistance. Sorry this beautiful girl will get no justice. We stand together, and will fight for her in this corrupt system

  9. I would like to support her while in prison. This is an injustice.

  10. How can you charge a girl with a gun if it was planted on her by an FBI agent. This is so fucking stupid omg…

  11. Patricia Wagner

    The government has taken so much from our people. To protect our water is our right. To protect our land, our Mother Earth. Then they give us big jail terms. And put good people in jail. They pay no attention to our sovereign rights as native people. Isn’t it enough that we live in poverty with lost language and culture that has been stripped from us? The judicial system is so poor for natives. We never get a fair trial.

    • Dianna North Peigan

      This is so wrong n so unjust…always will we suffer at the hands of these people…why are we allowing this …when we are only doin n did what was needed to be done for our people …our home n our future…Peltier is a fine example that he doin time for a crime he never committed…n cannot even get released..
      Stay strong n keep fighting the good fight…prayers you are a warrior who is makin way n opening eyes to our people that united we are strong n pur forefathers before who endured so much hardships n losses but kept praying that we still be here n we are n we are here for we are warriors of mother 🌎

  12. The system is biased and protesting is a waste of time. Find the loopholes before they plug them.

  13. She can’t play a victim when she herself was making bad decisions.

  14. Graham Turvill

    What sort of country behaves in such an illegal way without any consideration to law and then has the audacity to impose long prison sentences to those that dare protest against that outrage? . Apart from Israel not many. Land of the free arse!, more like Land of racist corporate fascism

  15. For some time now I’ve been encouraging my children to emigrate to New Zealand. There are numerous reasons for this but an important one is the relative treatment of all people with no regard for race, origins, etc.

  16. This is a tragedy! People think things are so different because it’s 2018. It may as well still be the 17th, and 18th centuries. They never change!

  17. Bonnie Hardinger

    You mean to tell me they had under cover agents giving weapons to the supporters! Not good!!! Sage blessings n prayers for you Fawn….💗

  18. Ben A. Trujillo

    I guess I don’t understand. What has happened to the water? Is it gone? Is it no longer potable? What did they do to the water?

    • They drilled a pipeline under their river and a lake they draw water from, after Bismarck refused to have the line anywhere near them.
      So, white privilege and racism has triumphed over treaty rights and human rights !
      When this pipeline leaks or spills, which it already has, their potable water will be compromised.

    • Been have you been under a rock for the last three quarters of a century

    • The water isn’t ruined…YET! They just didn’t want a pipeline that close to the river that supplies drinking water to them and the thousands who live downstream! The company was told where sacred artifacts were in the path and then the company after finding this out, plowed thru it!

  19. Suzie Gilbert

    White man can do what ever they want. It’s not right

  20. You know i hate the white man laws that only benefit them and to take away someones life for this long for protecting mother earth? Dont worry mother earth will deal with you and shame on you! And noticed alot of judges have no culture always following their bible and maybe you should all read it? Cause up to the very first day you people invaded and killed murdered and molested and raped women children men of our people we didnt have no bible but our own culture and so keep it cause you even broke your own laws on it! But this protector should be released !

  21. Irene Auginaush

    This is wrong, oir treaties should have been allowed in this case.

  22. Everyone is illegal on stolen land. When are we going to stop allowing the government from treating us all like dogs. We are not their fucking property to lock away in a box. Getting seriously tired of this shit!

  23. Joanie croteau

    Trump needs to pardon these people ASAP. I have more respect for their freedom to demonstrate on the pipeline whether I agree or not than anybody acting out on the advice of Maxine waters and people on the Soros payroll for disruption and violence under the guise of liberalism and their freedom to act like assholes.
    Example: Portland art gallery depicting a decapitated head of state and it’s a felony. NOTHING HAPPENS!!!

  24. Lauryn Galindo

    Sending respect & gratitude for your presence at the protest. Kindly advise how we may send money during your incarceration. Keep the faith..prayers are flowing your way from Hawaii.

  25. She will receive a credit of 18 months ‘time served’ taken off of her sentence, from time spent in North Dakota jails before trial proceedings began. So she was lock up BEFORE she went to trial…Jezze P. Christ…I see a movie deal here….

  26. Estilita Grimaldo

    We are living in an authoritarian state. Face itv And with the help of a foreign power. How could this have happened? Why are we allowing it?

  27. Yesterday’s warriors are gone, these are today’s warriors!

  28. Yesterday’s warriors are gone, these are today’s warriors!

  29. Laurella Desborough

    Remember, it is common practice for federal authorities to “set up” people to do illegal stuff so they can arrest them! This happens with all sorts of issues…from muslim “terrorists” to “snake smuggling” from other countries, to drug and gun deals. That way the authorities are sure to have a “criminal” to catch…and earn their salaries!

  30. I am so sorry that this injustice is still happening. There are not words that can describe the hurt. Will change come in time for Mother Earth?

  31. It’s become a crime to stand up for what you believe in. What’s happened to my country?

  32. It’s become a crime to stand up for what you believe in. Crooked cops are now part of the fabric. What’s happened to my country?

  33. Appears from what I love read here she was victim of a set up and get own poor decisions. Perhaps she can receive a pardon if she wants one.

    • Plenty of self righteousness indignation about what is “ours” Etc. Let us not forget wars were fought over the land in question. Not to many just rolled over and surrendered. Indian tribes declared war on one another before Europeans and others showed up. Treaties were signed and broken by Indian nations and the U.S. It’s too bad the animosity cannot be put to rest forever and peace can had. Water rights and guaranteeing clean potable water for all as well as the ability to provide opportunities for industry can be negotiated hopefully one day rather than continually fighting one another.

      • Yeah Indians fought against each other, but for TOTALLY different reasons none of those reasons were for gold,oil, or worse yet personal gain!

      • Bawawa.That has got to be one for the record book for relativism ( and plain ignorance.) Humans regardless conduct warfare on each other for the same reasons regardless of tribe,creed, phenotype etc. That reason is control be it territory or commodity.

  34. This hurts the heart of any Indigenous American supporter like a perpetual “Wounded Knee” massacre. ‘(

  35. “kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui” Be strong. Our karakia is with you Red Dawn.You are an inspiration to us in New Zealand. We are protesting against our government for control of business on our lands. Soon they will be drilling and we will have the same problems as you.

  36. Maxwell S Bogart

    Frk’n judges & da’s… Still Scumbags

  37. It is outrageous and disturbing that judges can tell defendants what they can and can’t say in their defense!. Our right to defend ourselves in court has been voided by judges!

  38. Ariella ingraffia

    I hope she can get a retrial under a different judge that seems so unfair

  39. WELL you think you have EQUAL JUSTICE in America, YOU are WRONG. This is a disgrace, and american judicial system is a joke, if we has equal justice; trump and sessions would be in jail. the Law-enforcement is evil who brought these charges, definitely entrapment, evil; welcome to the new “banana republic” Period

  40. Wrong people being tried and convicted.

  41. Dewayne Craig


  42. What practical help can I give?

  43. The fact that the pipeline us leaking oil into the lands they tried to protect… Means anyone trying to persecute them are criminally corrupt

  44. Once again Amerrika fails to honor Indian treaty agreements!

  45. Reblogged this on oldgymrat71 and commented:
    The US has a long negative history of not keeping its word.

  46. Peaceful Assembly invaded by illegal violent govt stooges, who V now have backing of blind liberty and justice. Situation needs impartial intervention, damages awarded to wronged party

  47. I think the United States government and all government officials are corrupt and I always have believed that because nobody ever tries to help the people that are telling the truth, Native Americans only want their rights observed, and ever since we have come over to their lands we have done nothing but hurt them. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  48. Please send me her Adress…. ❤️ I would love to support her in the best possible way 💜💕❤️💞

  49. This is just so unfair to the people who was standing up for what they believed in. There was a group of White people that had guns and had taken over A government building and when that Was over with none of the White people involved in that ordeal never went to jail OR prison. Just Goes to show just how much that there’s still prejudices that there are in the criminal justice system yet from the police department’s sheriff’s department and highway patrol to judge’s lawyers

  50. 500 years ago strangers came to this land with intention .
    That intention has turned into murder , rape and pillage .
    It’s too late for us all . I’m not sad , I’m a survivor from a race of people’s that have been running sence the day we met 500 years ago . But now we run harder and faster with no hope insight and that my friends makes me and my family stronger as we grow weaker against the Rising Waters that will one day consume us all .
    Untill that day I will hold my head up and and thank my ancestors for our world that truly provides .

  51. This is so ridicule. The Victim in this case is RedFawn! Where does this stop? Justice shall prevail in this racists state. Remember where you originated from.!?


  53. Only in America and against native peoples…..ans we’re still here

  54. Why are they going to jail because they were trying to protect there land something is wrong about that and Clinton Bush old Bum hole get to be Scott free for the things they did to our country set these people free

  55. industrial worker for a long time

    All I got to say is time is changing reroute to flow with the time yours means and ways how to keep things safe what’s the time changing the change a lot of things on us of the Native person the old ways are in our hearts are in the teachings you have to think about the future of the younger generation I think the pipeline to people and continue on but it will never take away what we know and what is right in our hearts what it’s going to create a lot of jobs computer families to upgrade our lifestyles there is ways how to take care of the Earth the horse and wagon are gone long time ago Buffalo is gone who gave us these iron horses now you’re supplied by gas an oil Gillette the people good with the app changes let’s benefit and get our own pipeline company so we can have our own people working putting this pipe in the ground so we could ask the mother earth to take care of awesome. Way think about it

  56. Shermaine Blackhair

    That’s some bullshit, they’re trying to protect their lands and the redneck fuckers still don’t get punished. That judge needs to step down from the bench for not giving these people a fair trial and to not let them use their treaty rights as a defense! Sickens me at what the world is coming too!!!!

  57. There is no justice system in this country. Its always been for big money and the law. This was not a fair trial in my eyes. None should be jailed.

  58. Why didn’t some Cherokee lawyer step up to help this woman. This is a terrible injustice. You are a woman and in this day and age this should not be happening g to you. I pray for justice for you Red Feather.

  59. Government Coward’s, wanna poison your family too? Idiot’s

  60. This is the way white man will always treat us A’HO

  61. This is what happens when one is manipulated into a lower (military) court, losing the rights guaranteed by Constitution, Magna Carta, common law & all International Laws known to man. Thus denied a trial by a jury of one’s peers, she has been kidnapped, monetized, & now forced to walk the plank.

    Statutes are rules intended for drones & robots; not Laws, nor are they binding on involuntary natural womb/man.
    Know you are human & what that means…

  62. Why waste time and an exorbitant amount of money I am sure ND cannot afford to punish this woman who was not radical or a danger to others . ND you have bigger fish to fry.

  63. The USA will steal kill lie and cheat . It a fake government who stole what it has today I put the wrath of god against this so called pathetic government. Who only wish is to make its government officials rich . The wrath of god will be swift and accurate. 🙏🤘😎🤘

  64. Find her family. They can give you access to her commissary account to send money for food box toiletries and phone calls.
    You might contact the lawyer she used as well.
    Maybe set up a go fund me for her when she gets home.

  65. George Montclair

    I think that’s bullshit the FBI can do that type of shit we are all people on this earth no matter the skin color we are here to live. Not to be mess treated by people who think there better then us cause no ones better then anyone I know god bless America and god bless the people.

  66. The federal government will NEVER allow for a fair trial when it comes to Native Americans or Water Protectors, most federal judges are owned by big business and their pocket change, our justice system is a joke, the government has never protected the people, you know the word used over 200 times in the Constitution, to protect THE PEOPLE, they instead favor big money, they sold their ass, prostituted themselves and have disgraced our country. Protesters are attempting to keep the environment livable, you know clean air, drinkable water, but they are failing, we are failing, we all breath, we all drink, you spinless wonders out there unwilling to protect your families time will prove how wrong you are if we dont fix it now, we are willing to send military personnel to foreign lands to protect their oil but we cant protect our own country, we do need to ensure water protectors get fair trials, judges like this worthless trump sucker need to be removed, barred from sitting a chair that used to mean ” Justice for ALL” REMEMBER , that pledge of allegiance that we argue so much about but really dont give a shit because your a government puppet. Mni Wiconi , Water is Life.

  67. Us government doing what it has always done take what isn’t there’s from the first people of the United States of America

  68. Did that stupid trump Co-erce this judge toward a racist decision? Majority of natives support your well being.

  69. Red Dawn, thank you for standing strong in a corrupt world of corporations in oil. You are a caretaker of Mother Earth as we all should be. The destructive greed factors of the world are destroying our beautiful living planet. As we can see the harm done is being continued on a massive scale and we must stop. I support you. I feel horrible for the corrupt injustice done to you for your protection of clean water and ending pollution of the land. I am so sorry. You are an amazing caretaker. Thank you again.❤

  70. # Water is Life! Stand with Red Fawn! No Justice ,No Peace!

  71. That’s fuckin bullshit if the gun belonged to her boyfriend then he should have been charged with it and because he was an FBI informant the FBI basically planted that gun along with her snitch boyfriend. If it wasn’t hers why is she being charged for it .that gun was planted there just like the owner of the gun was planted there by the fbi.if she would have know he was an informant neither him or the gun would have been there. I say entrapment and its bullshit

  72. Many have asked how to help, but no answer yet.

  73. Reblogged this on My Blog and commented:

  74. Put in jail for land that is for our children and grand children.

  75. Thank you I see it is shown under my sir name

  76. The informat Heath set her up obviously….what a shame the court ignored native rights. The pipeline is in the wrong

  77. Something is not right in justice. . .

    Justin Schneider, 33, an Eagle River, Alaska, man who choked a Native woman to unconsciousness and then masturbated on her won’t have to serve a day in jail nor register as a sex offender after making a deal with prosecutors. The deal includes probation and a rehabilitation program.

    Anchorage Assistant District Attorney Andrew Grannik, said the plea deal could be considered “a pass” for Schneider and that he hoped the 34-year-old wouldn’t strangle and masturbate on anyone again.

    Does anyone know if this is the best way to support her?

  79. If you are a felon in possession of a gun, doesn’t matter how noble your intentions are, you are going to jail.

  80. Liberty and justice for all my ass !!!!


  82. Well I think she should have been set FREE…She served her time and I think she was falsely accused of such crimes I don’t see no reason whatsoever she should be locked up for standing up for what she believes in and for her PEOPLE..Just because she is Native don’t mean she shall be Judged..She was only Exercising our Rights THIS LAND IS OUR LAND NATIVE AMERICAN..I think the people who did and helped put her away SUCK and KARMA will do its job…I Love You Girl Head Up you’re a Beautiful Young Lady and a Fighter..LiLiLiLi

  83. Ronnie Gauthier

    never trust the badge

  84. Arrrghgh. Corrupt courts.

  85. I would also like to support her!.. 🤨

  86. I am sorry this has happened I am with you Red Fawn I understand this I understand the water and how precious she is I understand the love for the land and I know Creator is giving us more awareness thru our fight as First Nations women and people When we are pushed from pillar to post to tree to water we are learning to swim Stay strong ask reator for grace and strength and love …I love you in the 1st person you are and for representing the water for fighting and for making us look at the life issue we all face daily …the great Mother will protect you Peace

  87. What a waste… from the very beginning it was clear this was not going to be stopped.

  88. Unbelievable!!!! The Kangaroo court system.

  89. Unbelievable!!!! The Kangaroo court system.

  90. Austin L. Smith Sr.

    Man what a crock of shit! ; everyone knows the truth about this matter, so; why try and lie to everyone by using this innocent human being to protect your lies from the past brought into the future. Ever hear of what went down in a small town in the state of Oregon , where dozens of white folks took over a wild life complex and held it for days , weeks , using weapons and human shields as a attempt to escape to where in the end a person gets killed. All these people involved were let go from their prison and jail sentences. Pardoned by the now President of these here united states of america. Time to go back to where ever your ancestors delivered you from ; you like the oil are destroying the mother earth.

  91. This is outrageous. People are being placed in prison for protecting their natural resources from pollution. What is wrong with this picture!?!

  92. Y dont those plz wake the hell up while when ur drinking turns black u drink that water and u take bath in it ur a bunch of stupid ppl no doubt

  93. And taxpayers get to pay for this bullshit.
    What is wrong with this country.

  94. What’s her temp (facility) address and # maybe if possible start putting money on her account? So she can keep in contact with her family friends by letters or email if she is aloud one

  95. Criminal Feds and a criminal Judge Daniel Hovland and FBI are tools used by a corrupt “justice” system! To steal land and prosecute innocent people who object to the theft! America is a Monster who’s greed out weighs justice, human rights, compassion, and true justice!

  96. This is Completely UNCALLED and HIDEOUS! Id she was Another gender this would have never went this far!

  97. Martina Erskine

    Obviously that judge was supporting oil pipelines and being PAID OFF. Absolutely disgusting. For F– DEMONSTRATIONS? The entire country is being ruined by this money-grubbing prez who is destroying the rights and safety of everyone in it. He should be jailed for life. Is there nothing being done to get her and anyone else out in this so called free country that has turned into fascist billionaire destroying madness?

  98. How is she is guilty if it was his gun? Did he fire the gun?

  99. Well yeah! That gun probly belonged to Chad Harmon the CI at the Police Dept n Fort Yates

  100. Much Love Red Fawn.. Stay Strong.. No Dapl.. Lilili..

  101. Indigenous people need to be left alone.

  102. i also did 57 months for defending wild horses and the earth in the mid 2000’s and feel for Red Fawn as she was railroaded by the FBI. Stay strong as you are a earth warrior. I am saddened by this as it is the corporate energy industries that are the true eco terrorists.

  103. Should have stayed away from love and the gun at the time and focused on the tribe….you knew what was right! Played right into the FBI game. To take the focus off of all they’re wrong doings from the Hill to the Native lands.We have got to fight back from experience, hundreds of years experience! Use what we have learned! Use your minds be interested, intelligent, tactful, tribal unity with respect for all races,beliefs. Continue the ways! Aho~

  104. Red Fawn did nothing wrong and she should not be put in jail for a crime she didn’t do I will continue to support Red Fawn because she is a wonderful person and a good person.

  105. I still can’t believe that We the Original Protectors of Our Mother Earth, in this day and age be so blatantly disregarded for Our knowledge and truth of what we know to be real and right…

  106. .Protecting the water is a human right for all peoples of all nations Red fawns bravery stands unadulterated .

  107. All I can say is more power to Ms. Falls and for all of her brothers and sisters in the fight against the pipeline and their white oppressors.

  108. So sad. Fed govt continues to mistreat Native Americans! Awful. How can we help? Is she appealing this sentence? This is terrible!

  109. you’re leading the way for us, as a Nation, to rethink “what is justice?” “Is justice Fair?” Thanks, we support you.

  110. Sending love and hopes of peace. There has been no justice or peace since this land was invaded and occupied. As an immigrant I thank and honor the native peoples for allowing me to live on your lands.I am so sorry for the continued injustice that continues. Be well

  111. Thank-you, Red Fawn, for detecting water. I support you as the I significant lies fall away. Truth to power!

  112. Owner of the gun should have it and all others he/she owns seized and destroyed. If it was owned or planted by a Government agent, he should lose his job. This is why we should not allow guns in our society.

  113. Souds like a framejob

  114. Wow isn’t that a bunch of Bull Shit !!!

  115. Wow isn’t that a bunch of Bull Shit !!!

  116. I love this girl she is my niece

  117. Our hearts go with you, the federal go element always sentenced natives with harsher sentences , because fir them the Indians wars never ends, it’s to stop our people from doin whats right for the people, the land, the children, even their children, the fight to stop the line that has a bad record( worse than any delivery method, trucks, rail etc. ) the company has blinded many and continues to run ads on radio to act like it’s a goid alternative .ethid, its not, so continue the fight, they will be gone but never forgotten, like warrior’s from tge past, they are part of history’s story

  118. I will try to get one of the local songwriters to write a song for her.

  119. I am so very sorry the United States government still funds the need to so wrongfully oppress strong natives. I send my love however inconsequential and deep gratitude for all of you warriors brave enough to stand up for our mother and for each other.

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