Blog Archives

Video: Confrontation at Imperial Metals AGM

Heavy police presence as protesters urge investors to divest from Vancouver mining company

Protesters removed from Imperial Metals’ annual conference


A dozen RCMP officers have been called to the scene. (FarrahMerali/CBC)

A dozen RCMP officers called to scene

CBC News, May 25, 2017

One person has been arrested, and three others forcibly removed after entering Imperial Metals’ annual conference at the Coquitlam Executive Plaza Hotel.

At least a dozen RCMP officers were called to the scene after a group of protesters gathered outside the hotel and entered one of the conference rooms.  Read the rest of this entry

Video of arrests at Imperial Metals occupation in Vancouver


Mount Polley blockade people car

Blockade of the Mount Polley mine site near Likely, BC, on the 2 year anniversary of tailings pond rupture, August 4, 2016.  Photo: Yuct Ne Senxiymetkew Camp.



Kukstemc Kleco Ociem. We thank everyone who came out to the Second Anniversary of Mount Polley Mining Disaster on August 4, 2016. We had many diverse groups such as Ancestral Pride, Downtown Eastside Power of Women, Native Youth Movement, No One Is Illegal, Rising Tide, Unist’ot’en Solidarity Bridge, Alliance Against Displacement, and Council of Canadians in attendance and sharing knowledge and experiences. The event was a great success with over one hundred people traveling all across Turtle Island to attend — even a bus from Vancouver. Read the rest of this entry

Mt Polley Blockade Ends – For Now

Mount polley prisma banner

Graphic via Tori Cress, Instagram

By Greg Fry, 250 News, August 5, 2016

Likely, B.C. – Things are back too normal at the Mt Polley mine in Likely.

This following a blockade by the Secwepemc Women’s Warrior Society yesterday.

“There were a few activists that gathered at the entrance to the access road to the mine yesterday,” said Imperial Metals spokesperson Steve Robertson.

“Their numbers grew throughout the day. There wasn’t much in the way of blockade activity until late in the afternoon when they were not allowing vehicles to go in and were slowing down vehicles that were going out. But that lasted for a short period of time and the activists were all gone by early evening.”

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Video of Mount Polley blockade

Blockade of Imperial Metals 2 year anniversary; land defender injured by vehicle

Mount Polley blockade 3

Sacheen from Ancestral Pride, on right, was injured by a vehicle driven by Imperial Metals employee during the blockade at the Mount Polley Resistance Gathering, August 4, 2016. Photo: Ancestral Pride.

Ancestral Pride, August 5, 2016

On the 2 year anniversary of the Mt Polley tailings pond spill that pumped millions of gallons of toxic tailings into Hazeltine creek a gathering of indigenous land defenders allies and supporters including the Power of Women Down Town East Side group joined the Sepwepemc Womens Warriors Society to bring awareness to the issue. There were work shops, feasting, and training, as well as ceremony and information sharing. Imperial Metals was issued a discharge permit recently and have done nothing in the way to rectify this situation and two years later there is still tailings infecting everything it comes into contact with. Read the rest of this entry

Blockade at Mount Polley mine on 2 year anniversary of catastrophic spill

Mount Polley blockade 1

Participants in the Resistance Gathering at Mount Polley, BC, (Secwepemc territory) on August 4, 2016, block the road leading to the mine site.

From Yuct Ne Senxiymetkwe Camp, August 4, 2016

Secwepemc land defenders and allies have set up a road blockade at Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley mine on the two year anniversary of the devastating tailings pond spill. Kanahus Freedom (Manuel), a member of the Secwepemc Women’s Warrior Society says that the community is exercising its sovereignty and taking direct action, as the government of British Columbia recently issued a new operating permit to the mine. Read the rest of this entry

First Nations members will protest re-opening of Mount Polley mine

Mount Polley tailings pond trees

Some of the devastation caused by Mount Polley tailings pond rupture.

Emily Lazatin, CKNW, August 2, 2016

Just a couple days away from the two-year anniversary of the Mount Polley tailings pond disaster, a First Nations group says it plans to protest against the mine re-opening.

Kanahus Manuel with the Secwepmc Women’s Warrior Society says it’s too early for the government to give Imperial Metals the green light.

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